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Chibi Reader

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Jane Eyre
Michael Mason, Charlotte Brontë
Taking Chances
Molly McAdams
Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark, #1)
A. Meredith Walters
Fracture the Spider's Web (The Marionettes of Myth, #2)
Sarah Godfrey, Victoria DeRubeis


Ultraviolet - R.J. Anderson Wow I wasn't expecting this at all. I'm kinda obsessed with this book, I can't stop myself from thinking about it even after I've finished.I can't even make a coherent review right now Ahaha not after being awake in the wee hours of the night just so I could finish it WOW

Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding, #1)

Avoiding Commitment - K.A. Linde 2.5 StarsI think I just lost some hair reading this book.It wasn't because it was a bad book. It just wasn't for me.The protagonist just made me so angry and I'm not even going to talk about Jack.


Undeniable - Madeline Sheehan On my blog: Chibi ReaderDeep breath... Ok...When I read the blurb for "Undeniable" I immediately knew this book was going to be totally different from what I'm used to and that there were going to be some very controversial themes in it. The readers are warned right from the first page of the book:"His name was Deuce.He was my “why”.And this is our story.It is not a pretty one. Some parts of it are downright ugly.But it’s ours."I was thought I was totally prepared for whatever was on those pages but I just couldn't get myself to enjoy the book and most of the parts I found just downright revolting.Now... I understand that the reality that Madeline Sheehan shows us is completely different from mine and I'm trying my best not to judge this book based on comparisons between both but the characters actions, thoughts and behaviours are just... GOD, I don't even have words for it. The entire book I was constantly repeating in my mind (and sometimes yelling) "This is sick!".I intended on writing this review without spoilers, but that is impossible as I feel the need to justify why I'm only rating this book with only 1 Star. So, if you haven't read the book yet and don't want me to spoil it for I recommends you to stop here.*SPOILER TIME*1. The age difference didn't actually bother me. I'm one of those who think the age doesn't matter BUT I didn't feel comfortable with a relationship where the girl was just 16 and he was 34. It just made me feel really uncomfortable. When Eva was older it was ok for me but that time was a little too much for me.2. Why do books nowadays always make the male character say things like you're mine, or in this case, why is Deuce always yelling ate Eva, saying "You're fuckin' mine" whenever things don't go according to what he wants. What?? Just what?? Eva is an object now? F$%%@kdfjdksnfjak 3. Then this happens: "He’d set the alarm for this reason. She didn’t know the code, so if she tried to open the door or even a fucking window, he’d know.". Kidnap anyone? Now we are in the present of a man who wants to imprison a woman. Wow...4. Then, more to the end of the book, we find out that Eva is pregnant (not going to tell who the father is muahahah) and she is staying with Deuce. YES, AFTER EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE SHE STILL WANTS HIM! So, she is staying with him, as in, living with him and his children who are actually the only sane characters in the book, but she has to stay in bed because of some problem with the baby. What does Deuce do? He stops sleeping at home to have sex with the whores at the club. Quote: "He hadn’t been home in four days and he was itching to touch her. He couldn’t fuck her, something about the baby, but he’d been solving that problem, usually with Miranda..."EVA, you should have given him the finger when you should. YES, because SHE KNOWS what he is doing. Well, Eva is always admitting how fucked up she is so I'm not even going there...And one of the worse things: how can someone marry a guy who rapes her, who is a psycho obsessed with her, and always defend him. WORSE, that boy is your brother, even though not by blood.I just can't wrap my mind around this book.The problem is that there are more situations like these throughout the book, and there are more characters that I should talk about in here, but then this review would be the size of the actual book.All in all, I found this book repulsive at least which was something I wasn't expecting since so many people liked it from what I read on reviews.

Opal (Lux, #3)

Opal (Lux, #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout 5 STARS*Huge spoilers*Read at your own cautionOn my blog: Chibi ReaderWOW. Just wow! Mrs. Jennifer, you’ve just done it again! You’ve proved your awesomeness with Obsidian and Onyx but let me say, Opal is even better in my opinion. Opal starts right where onyx left off. Dawson is back but he isn’t the same so Kat, Daemon and company are trying to make him less… let’s say aggressive and uninterested. This was a fast-paced book and there wasn’t a minute I wanted to stop reading. I just had to know what was coming next and next and next. It was crazy! And Mrs. Jennifer leaves us with that awful cliffhanger!!! What is that ending?? This is pure torture to the readers. For those you have read Deity you know what I’m talking about. Jennifer L.Armentrout just loves to make readers want more and more! Cliffhangers are definitely her speciality. Just holly baby Daemons! But I’ll talk about it later on (suffer my fellow readers just as I’ve suffered ahahah)As I’ve said before, this sure was a fast paced book and OPAL has lots of surprises. First, the relationship between Kat and Dee isn’t the same anymore. It’s understandable what Dee is feeling. She shouldn’t, however, blame Kat the whole book for Adam’s death. Kat, although always filled with guilt, has proven to be a strong character and she doesn’t succumb to it. She could be a little annoying when she put an idea in her head and didn’t want to give it up, but she always got through and has proven her status as a “new baby hybrid”. But what shocked me most was the return of Blake and Will. Oh yeah, they are back! I won’t spoil much here, but let’s say that the turn of events are spetacular, and even though you might be counting on it from the beginning, it will surprise you when it happens.But then something happens and I am like WTF? KATY, you have super, awesome, alien powers! You have a gun pointed at you! You don’t wait and let him fire it at you! You don’t wait until the last moment to move it! YOU TAKE THE GUN THE MOMENT YOU SEE IT!Ok, I’m felling a little calmer now. But now let’s talk about what’s really important here, Daemon. Ok, I’m kidding but we all know Opal wouldn’t be Opal without Daemon. And lot’s of Daemon we get in Opal. He was funny, he was romantic (YES, Daemon was romantic), he was sexy, as always, but most important, he acted mostly according his fellings, be it about Kat or Dawson. There are some sexy times in this book and weren’t they interrupted lot’s of times. I couldn’t stop laughing whenever there was a knock on the door or a voice calling for them.BUT THEN! BUT THEN! HOW COULD YOU JENNIFER! How could you let Kat be caught by Daedalus and let Daemon leave screaming for her! How could you! (but I loved every bit of it, I just can’t hide it)In the end, there are some things left unexplained. For example, how did Carissa turn into a hybrid? Did Blake have a deal with Daedalus? Or was he still working for him after all?I NEED ANSWERS! And now I have to wait till July.

Waking Up Married

Waking Up Married - Mira Lyn Kelly 3.5 starsReview to come.


Providence - Jamie McGuire *This review is full of spoilers. If you don't want them, don't read it*On my blog: Chibi Reader3.5 starsI've read Jamie McGuire's "Beautiful Disaster" and, although it was a somewhat controversial book among the reader's community, I thought it was a good reading. So, when I started reading providence knowing it was a paranormal book instead of contemporary chick-lit I was a bit nervous about what I was going to find but at the same time I had high expectations about it. Unfortunately, this book wasn't even close to what I was waiting. It wasn't a total disappointment but it wasn't that much of a memorable book.Providence is about Nina, a college freshman whose father dies and her life goes from being a peaceful and uneventful one to one full of dangers, surprises and supernatural beings, angels and demons. Jared is a guardian angel, or rather a half guardian angel (we could call them nephilim but they are rarely described as such during the book), and Nina is his Taleh, his charge. Nina never knew of his existence until the day of her father's funeral but Jared has always been in love with her. Basically what he did was save her from all her father's enemies (humans and supernatural ones) and literally take bullets for her. Of course, to complete the plot you have to have a love triangle so let me introduce you to Ryan, a normal college guy, who is super fun and nice. In my opinion, a normal girl would pick the nice and normal boy, but Nina isn't a normal girl, she is a normal heroine, so she choses the mysterious, stalker, creepy guy who just seems to follow her everywhere.First of all, I couldn't stop from comparing some scenes to a certain book we all know about *cough* Twilight *cough*. Now, I know Jared IS her guardian angel but when he is there to save her from the bad guys ALL THE TIME I just saw Edward all over the place. Then there is the whole cliché of him deciding that being apart from Nina is the best thing for her, that she is safer that way. Let's see this from this point of view: she is already in danger from the beginning of the book! Yes, him dating her put her in even more danger BUT he loved her from the start, she ALREADY fell in love with him so the damage was already done. He just doesn't walk away and it's all good! Thank god the similarities between the books and the characters end here.Apart from the "stalkerish" part, I just couldn't understand one thing the whole book. Jared is supposed to be Nina's guardian angel but he is being paid to do so. WHAT? Are we supposed to pay for our guardian angels??? Damn, I didn't know that. I hope my parents have taken care of that part. Yeahhh right...The only decent character was Claire, Jared's sister. She was a bad-ass 14 year old let me tell you. She should have a whole book dedicated to her! All in all, this is what I call a decent book. It was a good read, I enjoyed it but I didn't love it.

Beg for Mercy (Cambion, #1)

Beg for Mercy (Cambion, #1) - Shannon Dermott 4.5 STARS*Spoiler Alert*Read at your own cautionThis is what it was like when I finished reading this book:Yeah... It was a bit awkward when my mom saw me like that... MOVING ON!This was not what I was expecting at all. Hell! I've postponed reading this book for so long and now I don't even know why. Mercy, the heroine is a succubus who can't even KISS without killing (or almost killing) the other person. So, let me get this straight: if my mom knew I wanted to have a normal life and knew HOW I could do that and didn't teach me I wouldn't be as calm and nice as Mercy was. I would probably do this: and thisOk... Maybe I wouldn't be THAT bitchy but I would say what I was thinking! Now, I know her mother had her reasons (I'm hoping to find what they were in the next book) and she was doing what had to be done, but Mercy never said anything! I'm not saying you shouldn't do what your mother tells you but say what you're thinking girl!Now, FLYNN FLYNN FLYNN Not that I don't like Luke, I just like Flynn better. And I actually have a thing for Sebastian, I just have a feeling he will turn out bad. Ok! I know he IS bad. He is a demon! But he was the good guy in this book so... About Paul, what is Mercy doing??? I can't even... Paul is being an hypocrit! He is dating while he is in love with her but doesn't want her to date if she is in love with him. Just WHAT? And Mercy, you love Luke, you know that, so why are you always thinking that you love Paul. Insane, this is just insane.And by the end of the book I was likebecause I want her to stay with Flynn and didn't want her to break up with Luke if she didn't stay with him (Luke is second place in my heart ahaha) and like thisI've waited enough, I'm going to read the next book RIGHT NOW. EDIT: Now on my blog too: http://chibireader.wordpress.com/

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green OMG WHAT IS THIS ENDING???John Green should be "stalked" like Peter Van Houten was by Hazel and Augustus!That was just evil John Green, plain evil -.-This was a indeed a great book but I can't get myself to give those fabulous 5 solid stars.Hazel is such a strong character and you just cannot not fall in love with Augustus.My favourite one although was Isaac. Come on! That guy is hilarious even though is life is pretty shitty. (I won't quote any joke so that you have to read the book to know what I'm talking about.)

Girl of Nightmares

Girl of Nightmares - Kendare Blake 4.5 stars

The Devil's Metal

The Devil's Metal - Karina Halle SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK N' ROLL This is all what the book is about!Adding the supernatural factors you get a DELICIOUS, FABULOUS, WANT-TO-SLEEP-BUT-CAN'T-UNTIL-FINISH book!Let me start by saying that after reading "The Devil's Metal" I'm most definitely going to read Karina Halle's other series EIT. This is just how awesome this book is.So, when I first started this book I was expecting something totally different. As the story progressed I was obviously trying to formulate in my little head what the hell was going to happen in the next chapter. Let me tell you, I was almost never right! And that is what makes this book so good. This is a page-turner. The plot never gets boring: Dawn wants to be a professional music journalist and gets the chance to go on tour with her favourite band, Hybrid, in order to write an article about them. However, there is a turn of events when strange and really creepy things start to happen who else was really scared when Dawn wakes up in the middle of the night and starts hearing things in the bed below and suddendly there's the sound of something really heavy falling on the ground and then being dragged??. Of course there is romance in the middle and really mysterious guys.In fact, I was not expecting that ending Sage does not end up (officialy) with Dawn.. There were, however, hints pointing to something that was, let's say, a little obvious by the last part of the book, but that is definitely going to make (I HOPE) a second fabulous book!

Junk Miles (Brenna Blixen, #2)

Junk Miles (Brenna Blixen, #2) - Liz Reinhardt 3.5 starsI'm so torn while rating this book. It was good, but not that good.Double Clutch was this amazing book but Junk Miles lost some of that awesomeness. There were parts where I simply wanted to stop reading because of Brenna. Yes, she still is a great character but her choices in this book... God!, I don't even know what to say. And Saxon, saxon, saxon... What the hell happened? Well, I give this 3.5 stars but can't get myself to rate it with 4 instead of 3.

Pushing the Limits

Pushing the Limits - 4.5 stars

Biting Cold (Chicagoland Vampires Series #6)

Biting Cold (Chicagoland Vampires Series #6) - 3.5 stars

Collide (Collide, #1)

Collide (Collide, #1) - Shelly Crane 3 STARSShelly Crane is, without a doubt, an amazing author. However, Collide wasn't what I expected, maybe because it was the author's first book and I've read her more recent works before. Collide didn't captivate me and I even thought about dropping it a couple of times.Well, this book is kind of difficult for me to review. It's plot seemed so different from what I'm used to: the world is being invaded by Lighters: "aliens" that possess human bodies when they die. The body remains the same except for its eyes and hair (they turn black) and the fact that the lighters can control other humans' minds. Then there are the Keepers, another type of "aliens" who spend their lives (eternity until they decide to "retire") keeping an eye and guiding Specials, humans who are destined to help humanity by doing something great. However, they are forced to come to Earth and possess a body (like the Lighters) to protect not only their Specials but also the other humans.The book is told by Sherry and Merrick's prespective. Sherry is a Special's sister, Danny, and Merrick is Danny's Keeper. While watching Danny, Merrick falls in love with Sherry. For a change, it isn't the heroine that has the powers! During the book, lots of characters are introduced and each one has its own personality causing for some several problems. I fell in love with Jeff right away ahahaWhile the story seemed to be so full of action and suspense, the author made the book kind of a cheesy romance. Most of the book is about Merrick and Sherry and how they tell how much they love each other and calling one another baby and honey. It's a shame because their relationship could be approached in a total different way. When Philip is introduced the book starts to have some content but only when it is known that the Taker has arrived and a new character is introduced right at the end of the book (Cain!!!) is that it finally starts to become interesting. In fact, it was this new character that made me want to read the next book.

Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead So... I recently reread this book and thought I should finally review it. Let me say, I didn't feel the least bit disappointed by reading it for the second time.Vampire Academy is an amazing series and without a doubt what made me read Richelle Mead's other works. The main character, Rose, isn't the typical weak heroine that is always waiting for the boy to save her. She has a strong personality and never leaves her best friend, Lissa, behind. Then there is Dimitri. Ahhh, who doesn't love Dimitri??? He is just amazing and sexy ;)I couldn't stop reading this book until I was finished! The whole story is unique, the characters are believable and likable. It's well written and its world captures us.