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Chibi Reader

Currently reading

Jane Eyre
Michael Mason, Charlotte Brontë
Taking Chances
Molly McAdams
Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark, #1)
A. Meredith Walters
Fracture the Spider's Web (The Marionettes of Myth, #2)
Sarah Godfrey, Victoria DeRubeis

Beg for Mercy (Cambion, #1)

Beg for Mercy (Cambion, #1) - Shannon Dermott 4.5 STARS*Spoiler Alert*Read at your own cautionThis is what it was like when I finished reading this book:Yeah... It was a bit awkward when my mom saw me like that... MOVING ON!This was not what I was expecting at all. Hell! I've postponed reading this book for so long and now I don't even know why. Mercy, the heroine is a succubus who can't even KISS without killing (or almost killing) the other person. So, let me get this straight: if my mom knew I wanted to have a normal life and knew HOW I could do that and didn't teach me I wouldn't be as calm and nice as Mercy was. I would probably do this: and thisOk... Maybe I wouldn't be THAT bitchy but I would say what I was thinking! Now, I know her mother had her reasons (I'm hoping to find what they were in the next book) and she was doing what had to be done, but Mercy never said anything! I'm not saying you shouldn't do what your mother tells you but say what you're thinking girl!Now, FLYNN FLYNN FLYNN Not that I don't like Luke, I just like Flynn better. And I actually have a thing for Sebastian, I just have a feeling he will turn out bad. Ok! I know he IS bad. He is a demon! But he was the good guy in this book so... About Paul, what is Mercy doing??? I can't even... Paul is being an hypocrit! He is dating while he is in love with her but doesn't want her to date if she is in love with him. Just WHAT? And Mercy, you love Luke, you know that, so why are you always thinking that you love Paul. Insane, this is just insane.And by the end of the book I was likebecause I want her to stay with Flynn and didn't want her to break up with Luke if she didn't stay with him (Luke is second place in my heart ahaha) and like thisI've waited enough, I'm going to read the next book RIGHT NOW. EDIT: Now on my blog too: http://chibireader.wordpress.com/