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Chibi Reader

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Jane Eyre
Michael Mason, Charlotte Brontë
Taking Chances
Molly McAdams
Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark, #1)
A. Meredith Walters
Fracture the Spider's Web (The Marionettes of Myth, #2)
Sarah Godfrey, Victoria DeRubeis

Junk Miles (Brenna Blixen, #2)

Junk Miles (Brenna Blixen, #2) - Liz Reinhardt 3.5 starsI'm so torn while rating this book. It was good, but not that good.Double Clutch was this amazing book but Junk Miles lost some of that awesomeness. There were parts where I simply wanted to stop reading because of Brenna. Yes, she still is a great character but her choices in this book... God!, I don't even know what to say. And Saxon, saxon, saxon... What the hell happened? Well, I give this 3.5 stars but can't get myself to rate it with 4 instead of 3.