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Chibi Reader

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Jane Eyre
Michael Mason, Charlotte Brontë
Taking Chances
Molly McAdams
Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark, #1)
A. Meredith Walters
Fracture the Spider's Web (The Marionettes of Myth, #2)
Sarah Godfrey, Victoria DeRubeis

House Rules (Chicagoland Vampires, #7)

House Rules  - Chloe Neill Also on my blog: Chibi ReaderMerit and Ethan are back! And trouble is obviously in their wake. I can't begin to tell how much I've been waiting for House Rules to be released. Chicagoland has always managed to crack me up and it is one of my favourite series! It amazes me how Chicagoland Vampires doesn't get boring even after 7 books, this series still lives!Now, House Rules picks up right where Biting Cold left. Ethan is no longer Liege but everyone sees him as such and he decided to pull Cadogan House out of the Greenwich Presidium's authority. But things are never easy for these vampires so, on top of that, vampires are being murdered.The politics maneuvers and conspiracies couldn't have been left out or this wouldn't be a Chicagoland Vampires. For those who have read the other books in the series know this, but I just have to say it, the GP is a bitch! Damn, if I was Ethan I would have kicked some asses, that's for sure. And then there is the reappearance of a certain lady vampire, Lacey. Yeah, Ethan's ex is back and in full swing. Whenever she showed up in the book I was like "Noooo, not again! Go back to your house, damn it". Like an idiot Ethan obviously couldn't see that she wanted him back. Men! But to make things worse, there is the little detail that Merit is joining officially the Red Guard. She wants to tell Ethan but is afraid of what he will do. Ok, this is one thing I don't understand: the RG is supposed to make sure the Houses' leaders and the GP don't abuse of their power too much (which is always happening, btw) and, for that, the members of the RG have to spy on their Houses or the authorities of wherever they are. Why would Ethan be against it? He is always against the power of the GP but doesn't support the RG just because they are spying on him? That's BS in my book.In another topic, Jordan and Ethan's little dispute made me swoon. Merit is one lucky girl!House Rules wasn't my favourite book in the series but it definitely fixed my addition for now! It was a fast paced book that will make you sigh, laugh, scream in rage and try looking for your Ethan or Jordan.Now I can only wait anxiously for Biting bad...

Sins & Needles (The Artists Trilogy)

Sins & Needles - Karina Halle Also on my blog: Chibi ReaderSins & Needles is a dark, dark book. Con-artists, mafia, drug lords… Dear Lord! This book has everything is it! Ellie is a con-artist who is on the run. Let me tell you, this girl is ALWAYS on running away from something. I wouldn’t want to have her life even if someone offered me 1M$ in exchange. Damn it, girl! Not even for Camden!*runs away from fangirls*About Ellie as a character… Well, she is something else. If you want a book where the protagonist is nice and honest, sorry but Sins & Needles isn’t for you. She will take advantage of everyone if she can. She is not perfect and has scars. I think many won’t like her in the beginning. Even I didn’t know what to think of her when I started reading Sins & Needles. But that is what made this book all that different. She isn’t a protagonist we are used to read about and I liked it!However, we only see how much of an opportunist she really is after she started planning the scam whose victim was Camdem. Well let’s say my first reaction wasn’t the most coherent and polite one…As I went through the book, however, I started to like her a bit. Not my favourite person in the world but she grows on you. And she knew some stuff!“Funny how a nice ass, firm pecs, and a great smile could thwart a woman’s best plans”Now, Camden is the real surprise here! Throughout the book, Karina Halle wrote some flashbacks from Ellie’s past and we get to know her history with Camden. Some parts were sweet but the majority didn’t end that well and this reflects on main plot of Sins & Needles.I loved that Camden saw through Ellie’s plan to scam him but, because he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, he let her almost end her plan. Ellie didn’t disappoint, of course. She had to take his money and he caught her. That part was mind-blowing! It was intense and heart wrenching. We learn some things about Camden and Ellie is forced to help him out of some stuff.The only thing that made me sad is that I didn’t fall in love with any of the characters. I liked them and enjoyed reading about them but some events weren’t that memorable for me. That and I didn’t want Ellie and Camden relationship to grow to be something more. I sort of enjoyed their arguments.Sins & Needles is full of action, emotional moments, throwing something out of the window events and if you want to read something with a MAJOR cliffhanger Sins & Needles is definitely the book for you.PS: I don’t know yet the full story of Ellie and Javier (Ellie’s ex) but for now I’m kind of team Javier.*runs away again* But why would he cheat on her? And what did really happen? For that, screw you Javier. So many questions I hope will be answered on On Every Street....


Speechless - Hannah Harrington *Includes some spoilers of what happens in the beginning of the book*Also on my blog: Chibi ReaderBullies. We all have met or seen someone in life who has been either a bully or a victim of one. Chelsea was friends WITH bullies, she was part of a group who enjoyed their school life making fun of others. What she liked the most was to tell secrets, to spill whatever new she found on the hallway of the school or in her friends and colleagues’ phones. In a way, she was the source of the group. During a party at her “bestfriend”‘s house she found out something, let’s say, scandalous and couldn’t wait to tell everyone the last piece of news she had undiscovered: one of the guys at her school was gay. What she didn’t know was that unraveling that secret would have horrible consequences. Her supposed friends went after the gay couple and beat one of the guys up, the one that went to their school, under the pretense that it was disgusting what he was doing.Chelsea told the police what her friends did. What Chelsea did after that was something that most wouldn’t have the balls to do. I’m saying this because, even though I would do the same, it isn’t something easy to go against your friends and, in this case, most probably putting their asses in jail. Even though it was guilt ridden, Chelsea’s actions were brave and proved strength that she didn’t even know she had. After that, she made a silence vow, promising to herself to never spill secrets again and, for some time, not to speak to anyone. Now, something that upset me was the fact that people at school, including her former group, started outcasting her and making her the victim this time. People were more angry that she told about her friends to the police than what they did to Noah, the boy who was beaten and ended up in the hospital in a coma. However sad this might be, I know that there are people out there that still have this type of mentality and this was something that Speechless made me think about more and more. Are popular people so important to our lives that we should cover their mistakes for them? Is bullying acceptable if the bully is someone of influence? Should our loyalties stand if we think something is wrong in every way? What is happening nowadays? In my opinion we are only helping our friends when we make them see what’s right, even if the ways aren’t the gentler. WOW, this is turning into a really dramatic and deep review! Let’s light it up a little, shall we?Speechless had LOTS of funny moments. I actually spent most of my reading smiling to myself. Chelsea’s art teacher was amazing! I almost choked on my laugh whenever she encouraged Chelsea’s silence vow. And the protagonist’s mind was definitely something else. This was one of the things that Hannah Harrington managed to excel in my opinion. We see a total character development throughout the entire novel. It’s mind-blowing how Chelsea turns from a classic popular chick to someone who starts to question her every thoughts before exposing them and finally to someone who is confident in herself but can distinguish the right from wrong. Simply amazing. Her relationship with Asha and Sam is also something noteworthy. By the way, she could definitely crack me up most of the times.”That doesn’t stop me from spending all of detention staring at the back of his dumb/gorgeous blond head, willing him to turn around and smile at me, which is one of my most absurd fantasies. Right up there with owning a pet unicorn or marrying Prince Harry.”A little secret Chelsea, those last two aren’t that much of absurd fantasies, everyone has them!But my favourite quote of this book is, without a doubt: “Hate is easy, but love takes courage”. That is one real piece of truth Hannah Harrington.*Thanks to Harlequin (UK) Limited for providing me Speechless via NetGalley*

Between the Lines (Between the Lines, #1)

Between the Lines (Between the Lines, #1) - Tammara Webber Thank you Tammara Webber for presenting such beautiful stories to us readers. I'm a declared fan of hers after reading Easy, and the first book of the Between the Lines series didn't disappoint. Between the lines revolves around Emma and Reid, who meet when they begin the shooting of a film in which they are the lead actors. I absotely loved the ending of this book and I really wanted to start talking about it here but I don't want to spoil the book for anyone. I don't usually like dual POVs but in Between the Lines it really worked and made the ending much more unpredictable. Claps to Mrs. Webber!

Stray (Shifters, Book 1)

Stray - Rachel Vincent I wanted do like this book so much. I really did but... First, why would she want to be with Marc when there's Jace right in front of her, WHY??? He's handsome, nice and not possessive like Marc at all. Fuck werecats' logic.The first half of the book didn't entertain me at all. But the second half was what made me rate it 2.5 stars, it had action and there we learned things that weren't pretty but it was what saved the book for me.I don't know if I'll be reading [b:Rogue|2314315|Rogue (Shifters, #2)|Rachel Vincent|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1298821261s/2314315.jpg|4633523], I'll think about it...

Sloppy Firsts (Jessica Darling Series #1)

Sloppy Firsts - Megan McCafferty This was a strange book for me. I liked some parts but then I there were times when I just couldn't help feeling anything but bored.On the bright side, I actually could relate myself to the main character, Jessica. "The crazy thing is, the higher my GPA gets, the more I realize that high school is useless. I’m serious. I forget everything I’m supposed to have learned immediately after the test. For example, I got back a Chemistry quiz I took last week. I nailed a 95. But when I looked over the formulas today, they meant nothing to me. All subjects are the same. I memorize notes for a test, spew it, ace it, then forget it." Come on, this happens to almost everyone!And I absolutely loved Marcus! Just plain dreamy!

Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels Series #3)

Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels Series #3) - Damn, I'm reading this series so fast it's scaring me. It just keeps getting better and better.

Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, Book 1)

Magic Bites -  Ilona Andrews Magic Bites elicited mixed feelings from me. I definitely loved the plot and the mysterious life of Kate Daniels. We don’t know her background story but we know that she is special and something happened to her in the past. She is amazing in all her strong personality but we are always in the known of her fears which only made her character more realistic. My favourite part was when she meets the Beast Lord by saying “Here kitty, kitty, kitty”. It was priceless! Unfortunately there were parts that were a little bit boring for me but Magic Bites is a good book and those parts are forgotten in the general picture.

Under The Never Sky: Under the Never Sky : Book 01

Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi Also on my blog: Chibi ReaderAfter reading the Hunger Games and Divergent I finally reached the conclusion that dystopia wasn’t my favourite type of book. I liked it but didn’t love it. However, when I was searching for my next read I stumbled upon Under the Never Sky. My first though was “Dystopia? Neh!”. But then something happened. They say you should never judge a book for its cover but let’s admit, if a cover is awful people won’t pick up the book but Under the Never Sky’s cover was so beautifully made that I just couldn’t resist taking a peek.Under the Never Sky is set in a futuristic world where there are two types of people: the Dwellers and the Outsiders or Savages. The world has been affected by the Aether and some were chosen to live in protected places. Aria was born in one of those: the Reverie. The world created was just stunning. The contrast between places like Reverie and the outside is amazing. In one we have technology and safety but on the other it’s like we went back in time: there are rituals and lords of tribes, there are cannibals and you never know when there might be attacks on the tribe. Then there is the rivalry and dislike between the Dwellers and the Outsiders.The one thing, however, that made me really want to finish Under the Never Sky and immediately start reading Through the Ever Night (the second book in the series) was that Aria and Perry didn’t fall in love at first sight or started kissing the second day they met.This is something that has been happening A LOT in YA and let’s admit, how often does this happen in real life? And how can someone love another person when they don’t even each other. YA authors’ logic, pfft.Aria and Perry hated each other, they were repulsed by one another. The development from enemies to allies to friends is amazing and not fast paced at all. And their feelings never once messed up their plans and objectives. And the ending, what a way to make sure the readers will pick up the next book. Veronica Rossi must be like this:Under the Never Sky has easily reached the spot to one of my favourite series!


Taste - Kate Evangelista 1st thoughts: Woo what a nice surprise! It reminds me of Vampire Knight zombie version.Short Review:My first ever zombie book! I didn’t know what to expect but, boy, did it surprise me! Phoenix had everything I like about a female heroine, she was badass and strong. The zombie world with all the royalty and the political system and conspiracies created a whole mysterious and enthralling vibe to Taste. However, I really wanted Phoenix to choose someone who was obviously not the main love interest, bummer! Yes, there is a love-triangle but it’s really subtle and it isn’t the focus of the book.

Sempre (Forever)

Sempre - J.M. Darhower I absolutely loved Sempre. J.M Darhower picked an extremely sensitive topic, slavery, and worked around it beautifully. I laughed and I cried. I immediately fell in love with the characters and the story is just heart wrenching but at the same time. And Nicholas, oh Nicholas. He was just a secondary character but he certainly played a major role in the book for me! Simply breathtaking.

Captive in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #1)

Captive in the Dark - C.J. Roberts 3.5 stars
Come Alive - Karina Halle It has a cover Woohoo!! I'm so used to the colors and now we have a black and white cover. Perfect!

On Demon Wings: Experiment in Terror #5

On Demon Wings - Karina Halle Review also on my blog: Chibi Reader Imagine yourself after going on a roller coaster ride. You’re dizzy, disoriented, thinking “what the…?? What the hell just happened??”. On Demon Wings does that to you. This book never gives you a moment of peace, you turn a page, and another, and another and you can’t stop! Then you realize there’s no more pages left!I must admit first that I’m a sucker for stories where the heroine is target of really bad thing and when I found out Perry was going to be possessed I was like “I need this now!!” I was a Readerzilla! Yeah, I just invented a word, so what?This book has so many surprises and it just made me want to meet Karina Halle and scream at her:That’s how good this book is! What shocked me, though, is that we only hear about Dex halfway through the book, but we always have a little eye candy (not really eye candy since we can’t see him, though… Karina, now you’re making me see you characters!) with Maximus always popping out. Be warned though, what he does in this book is going to make you want to throw your book out the window, smash your fists through the wall and scream at random people.Yeah, that’s it. If you haven’t read the Experiment in Terror series you don’t live in this world because this is just (as Perry and Dex would say) fucking amazing. Mind-blowing!

Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror)

Darkhouse - Karina Halle 3.5starsWhat a strange book. Maybe it's Dex's moustache ahaha I'm still turning this one over in my head...


Everneath - Also on my Blog: Chibi ReaderEverneath is the debut novel of a trilogy by Brodi Ashton. When I first read the blurb I twisted my nose at it because mythology isn’t really my thing. But when I read on Goodreads what my favourite reviwers said about this book I threw my first impressions out of the window and ordered Everneath right away.But first I must warn you: this review will be biased as I’ve declared Cole as one of my many book boyfriends. Ok, so Everneath is about a girl, Nikki, who has been “kidnapped” to the Everneath by Cole, an immortal. She manages to escape but only has 6 months in the Surface. She decides she wants to spen those 6 months saying goodbye to everyone she loves, the most important one being her boyfriend, Jack.For starters, I just loved the way she made her escape of the Everneath! After a century there she managed to remember all the time the one the one thing that made her able to go back to the surface and when she could she was sure to make it in a badass way! It even made Cole drop his jaw!Ok, we don’t actually see that happen and the GIF is in no way a good description of what happened but I like to imagine it that way. But he was shocked, that’s for sure. But her return to the surface comes with a price…Then, the story is told in a way that could have put me off from reading it. Brodi Ashton tells the story from Nikki’s POV all the time but she recounts the months before Nikki was pulled to the Everneath as a separate part of the chapters, for example, 5 months before… 3 months before and so on… But this is so subtly made and it really explains how Nikki got herself n that situation, from how she met Cole to what hapenned so she ended up in the Everneath, that it only gave the book more dynamic, I didn’t mind it at all.About Jack and Cole, well, I coulnd’t really make myself to love love Jack. No, he wasn’t an ahole and no he wasn’t mean. He was an honest guy that never stoped caring about Nikki even though there were some bad rumours about here about why she had been missing for months. I liked him and what he does in the end of the book is so sweet and heroic that I should want him to stay with Nikki forever. But I just couldn’t stop rooting for Cole. I must have a scumbag brain.Cole is a bad guy, he manipulates and he hurts people. But we learn more about him in the flashbacks. From what I read, I think he is actually a good immortal and I’m dying to see what he is going to do on the next book, Everbound. Oh yeah, Everneath had a mad ending. It might even make people start pulling their hair out off their heads.This is a great book that everyone should at least give a try.